“Energy Medicine is the future of ALL medicine”
~ Dr. Mehmet OzEnergy as Medicine is more than ‘skin deep’
Are you curious if Energy Medicine is for you?

Retrain • Rebalance • Reclaim
to enJOY Quality of Your Life
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Contact me if you’d like to work with me:
P/T and What’s App: 2042684643
Book online: relax.noterro.com
or book a discovery call: https://tidycal.com/kerryleegh/15-minute-discovery-call
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All the systems of the body use energy and it needs to flow f0r maximum quality of life.
When energy flow is reduced, rerouted or energetically congested, it compensates.
Benefits of working in the energy field has many known and documented benefits.
A therapeutic session calms the over stimulation of the nervous system so that you can interpret your body’s messages. Calm brings clarity; clarity helps you handle difficult and challenging situations.
Kerryleegh has been training in the subtle energies since 1986. The term Energy Medicine is a type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that refers to the use of subtle energy fields to treat and assess energetic imbalances in the body..
Biofield disturbances can stem from a number of personal or external sources; both producing energetic imbalances. These patterns can then settle in our body.
Once released,, you can experience a grounded settled sensation like ease, relief, comfort and perhaps clarity.
When our energy is flowing we can feel more whole, settled rather than searching and more integrated rather than scattered.
~ KerryleeghReceive Energy Rebalancing
If you don’t know why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling, or acting the way you’re acting, when you release these confusing messages you can then focus on what’s important to you with greater clarity. Energy work can support you in finding clarity.
When you experience better communication between your mind and body you’ll sense a grounded lightness expanding through you. The head and heart connection radiates a joy and sparkle in your eyes others will notice. Frequent inner checking allows that connection. Energy rebalancing can support you in accessing your inner connection.
Whether you want to release pain in the body or balance emotions there will be a step toward transforming discontent into inner contentment. Move easier with a positive outlook doing the things you love to do. Energy rebalancing techniques can be profound.
Ready to Make a Change?